Bericht: Big in size, a bit long body, just nice angu, balanced front and rear, weak
topline, beautifull head, corr bite and dentition, enough reach, a bit narrow up
and down movement.
Bericht: Beautifull masculin bone structure, balanced front and back with corr angu,
strong topline, corr head prop, scizzorbite, good dentition, moves freely with enough drive.
Bericht: Very nice structure, a bit long in body, corr angu, typical head, corr bite and
dentition, dark eyed, albues a bit open durring up and down movement, good
Bericht: Beatiful bone and musclestruct. nice rear angulation. front a bit strighth.
beatiful females head. corr. scissorbite and full dentition. strong topline.
moves freely with almost enough reach.
Bericht: Very good structure. right prop for a female. balanced head and angulation. a
bit weak topline. beatiful females head. lose in elbow up and down. very good
drive and reach.
Bericht: Exellent structure and size for a female.strong topline. corr. headprop. corr
bite full dentition. enoughh angulation. well balanced. free movement with
plenty of reach.
Bericht: Very beatiful structure and prop. balanced and corr front and angulation. bit
narrow front. beatiful head with corr bite and dentition. moves freely with
enough reach.
Bericht: Nice structure. corr prop and angulation for a female. very wide body. short
head. dark eye. corr bite and dentition. heavy movement with only good reach.
Bericht: Nice size and prop for a female. refined structure. more angulation in rear than
front. strong ntopline. beatiful female head. moves corr. enough reach.
Bericht: Very beatiful bone and muscles and prop. nice size. strong topline. beatiful a
bit heavy females head. corr bite and dentition. ex movementandrive for her age.
carries her tail low under movement.